Patrons help us grow, produce more videos and continuously improve our quality. You can support us with a single or monthly donation and get exclusive rewards like see videos before they go public, help choose future animation topics, unlock high resolution images, wallpapers and icons, have your name in the description of at least 3 After Skool animations or send a photo of your pet and I will make it a cartoon character in the next animation in return.



See our videos before they go public.

Help choose future animation topics.


Get original After Skool art! Unlock high resolution images, wallpapers and icons.

Your name will be in the description of at least 3 After Skool animations! You pledge keeps this channel alive!

Send a photo of your pet and I will make it a cartoon character in the next animation!


How It Works


Send a photo of your pet and I will make it a cartoon character in the next animation!


Hello Friends!

My name is Mark. A small team of creators and I have a YouTube channel called ‘After Skool’. I am an Artist, Videographer, Truth Seeker, Health Nut, Explorer and Listener. Who I am is really not important though. After Skool has never been about me and never will. It's about ideas.

Humanity has been hijacked by corporate greed and corrupt politicians who aim to control, rather than inform. Our goal with After Skool is to enhance the most empowering ideas with art. We animate the ideas that have impacted our lives in a beneficial way, and hopefully by sharing them, they have helped you in some way. We're all on the same journey.

I honestly feel a bit awkward asking for money, but every penny you give will go directly towards creating inspiring content, growing the team, producing higher quality animations and elevating the human spirit. Thank you for your time and contribution. We feel honored, humbled and blessed to be of service.

With Love and Gratitude,

After Skool